Living Tabernacle Choir (LTC) :
They have a mandate to offer up spiritual sacrifices to God through praise and worship. We are a worshipping church; we sing the praises of Jesus because it’s all about the one who paid the ultimate price to redeem our souls. For those who have passion for worship or have been called into the music ministry, they are invited to become a part of this department as we bring true worship to our God.
Prayer Centres :
Acts 2:46
Recorded that the disciples went from house to house breaking bread and sharing fellowship with one another. Our bible study network is geared towards expanding the influence of God’s kingdom from house to house.
Our aim is to allow God’s word to be discussed in smaller groups; ultimately to increase our knowledge in the Word, as well as to reach out to the communities where the centres are established. As the church increases in number, we intend to increase our bible study centres.
You can attend the centre nearest to you, (please contact for more information).

Family / Relationship Ministry
(FRM) :
This department looks after the families, marriages and relationships between young people. They offer counselling and advise regarding family or relationship issues.
Children Department :
This department looks after our children. Our children department is a ministry the Lord has commissioned to create a consciousness in them about God and to release their potentials. As we invest time and resources in them, we intend to showcase their talents in our meetings and other occasions as opportunity presents itself. We hold this department in high esteem. On Sunday mornings, the children from 2 to 12 years attend Sunday school during the teaching of the Word.

Breath of Life Youth (BOLY)
Bournemouth, Poole & Christchurch is home to five key areas of education in England which are:
English Language Schools,
Selected private and state schools for those under 18 years of age
Colleges of Further Education
Colleges of Higher Education
This makes the region a centre of attraction for young people to learn and create a future career.
In addition to this population, there are other youths who unemployed, confused, facing family problems, conflicts in relationships, problems with addicition and substance abuse, victim of discrimination etc.
BOLY exists to challenge and inspire young people towards envisioning and creating an enviable future.
Our Vision is to raise a people of positive influence.
Our core values are Accountability, Growth, Reputation, Integrity and Purpose.